Lois and Pete Janzen were visiting their cousins in Fresno, California this week when they decided to try the only burger place that has Bible verses on the cups.
“Naturally, if you’re in California, you’ve got to got the In-N-Out,” said Janzen. “It doesn’t give such back home in Chilliwack, BC.”
However, not content to just order what’s on the menu, the Janzen’s heard rumours of a “secret menu.”
“Two large fries. Two Cokes. And one burger,” said Pete winking at his wife Lois. “Make it doggie style.”
The unusual order had employees scrambling to figure out just goes on a doggie style burger.
“Dill pickles maybe? A couple jalepenos? I don’t know. They’re Canadians,” said In-N-Out employee Diane. “I hear they’re into all sorts of things up there.”
Word of the Janzen’s order made it all the way back to their home church in BC, where they will face charges of deviating from the missionary position.