Proving once again that Steinbach truly is “worth the trip,” Unger Motors of Steinbach is offering a free 5 gallon bucket of schmaunt fat to anyone who test drives a used vehicle this weekend.
“We take a quick photocopy of your driver’s licence, you take the ’03 Civic for a spin down Main Street, and whether you buy a car or not, you drive away with more schmaunt fatthan you can eat in an entire weekend!” explained manager Derrick Unger.
Unger says he tried a similar promotion last winter with cracklings, but is hoping to up his game this year.
“We treat you right in Steinbach,” said Unger. “You don’t get buckets of schmaunt fatat any of those Winnipeg dealerships. You’re lucky if they even acknowledge your presence with a nice warm bowl of borscht or anything. The shame.”
Unger says that those who decide to buy a car will get 100 kilos of farmer sausage and a date with his sister Agnes.
“I’ve been trying to marry her off for years yet,” says Unger. “Buy a late model Buick and you could have your chance.”
(photo credit: by spakattacks/CC)