Friendly Bulletins Welcome Lonely Hymnal


A pair of friendly bulletins were the first to volunteer when Pastor Bob hinted that someone needed to reach out and keep that lonely unused hymnal company.

“We’re a welcoming church,” said Pastor Bob. “So if you see someone alone over there by themselves, make sure you greet them warmly.”

The bulletins were eager for the job, saying they knew what it was like be an outsider.

“Ever since they started sending the Order of Service via email, no one even looks our way anymore,” said Mrs. Bulletin. “I know we’re not quite as neglected as the hymnal, but it’s getting pretty close.”

Pastor Bob reminded churchgoers that there’s no job too big or too small in the Kingdom of God.

“Not everyone can be an overhead projector,” said Pastor Bob. “We all have a role. Even the Bulletins.”

The bulletins and hymnal seemed to get along quite well, although Pastor Bob started to get worried when the offering plate asked to join them.

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