Mr. Friesen of Reimer Avenue had a splendid evening chatting about politics and kids these days with Mr. Reimer of Friesen Avenue.
“Last week I had Mr. Brandt of Loewen Blvd. and Mr. Loewen of Brandt Street,” said Mr. Reimer of Friesen Avenue. “My hope is to invite Mr. Penner of Barkman and Mr. Barkman of Penner to share zoat with me some time next week.”
In the meantime, Mrs. Kroeker of Giesbrecht spent a lovely afternoon quilting with Mrs. Giesbrecht of Kroeker.
“I thought of inviting Mrs. McKenzie of McKenzie, but with a name like that I wasn’t sure she was much of a quilter,” said Mrs. Giesbrecht of Kroeker. “Mrs. Hespeler of Hespeler is also pretty iffy.”
Gordon of Gordon, William of William, and Henry of Henry are also planning a get together in the very near future.