It’s back to home school time for Bethany, Anne, Erin, Susie, Sally, Melissa, and Taylor Friesen of Henderson, Nebraska. The Friesen girls have finished all their back to home school shopping and now reality is starting to set in.
“It’s sure a change of pace for the girls,” says mom/teacher Mrs. Diane Friesen. “During the summer months they can milk the cows in the morning and run around the yard the rest of the day. Now they have to get up and milk the cows, do their home school work until noon, and then run around the yard the rest of the day. It’s quite the switch.”
While Bethany and Susie prefer the freedom of summer, the rest of the girls are actually looking forward to the return of home school.
“I sure hope we get to be in Mrs. Friesen’s class again,” said Susie. “I hear she’s the best.”
“Yeah and I wonder if Bethany, Anne, Erin, Susie, Melissa and Taylor will be in my class this year!” exclaimed Sally.
Home school starts on Monday morning right after milking.