Got an extra ‘F-ck Trudeau’ flag hanging around? The ladies at the Pembina Valley Quilting Society could use your assistance. The group is collecting discarded Trudeau flags, which they plan to scrap and turn into delightful patchwork quilts.
“We’ll be auctioning off the quilts at our March 24th soup and pie faspa fundraiser,” said Mrs. Neufeld. “Might as well let those flags go to good use.”
Now that they’re no longer needing them, area residents have been donating flags by the truck-ful.
“We’ve received more than 7,000 flags already,” said Neufeld. “Let me tell you, the missionaries sure are going to appreciate their new warm winter quilts.”
Mrs. Neufeld has assigned retired school teacher Edna Kroeker to proof-read each quilt and make sure nothing offensive remains.
“I’ve been playing Scrabble for 60 years and I’ve figured out a whole bunch of ways to rearrange those letters,” said Neufeld, though she would not disclose her results lest she be at a distinct disadvantage at the next tournament.
(photo credit: Joe/CC)