Thousands of Mennonite Church Canada members across Manitoba are a little miffed at the provincial government for seemingly giving all their time and resources to restarting the Mennonite Brethrens.
“If you ask me, those MBers don’t need a restart,” said local GCer Mr. Enns. “I mean they already get a full immersion baptism. And you should hear their Sunday music program? I mean, come on, what more could they possibly need?”
Still, billlboards promoting the Restart MB campaign have popped up across the province.
“It’s all fine and good to restart the MBers,” said Mr. Ens, “but some of us GCers could use a boost, too. Not to mention all the other churches. I mean this whole Restart MB thing really leaves the Kleine Gemeinde in a lurch.”
The Kleine Gemeinde, meanwhile, said they have good relations with the MBs and don’t want to stir the pot.
“I don’t know why those GCers are so concerned,” said KGer Mr. Klassen. “Like I always say, what’s good for the MBs is good for everybody. I’m sure all this restarting business will trickle down to us other churches eventually.”
Meanwhile back at the GC church, Mr. Enns confessed that he and his fellow church mates really had no interest in getting restarted by Brian Pallister anyway.