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Divine Intervention? Really Long Train Prevents Mennonite Couple from Entering the City


The really freakin’ long train on Marion Street last night was seen as a sign of divine intervention by the Ungers of Blumenort.

“Ugh, I guess we’re not supposed to go to that Guy Maddin movie after all,” said Mrs. Unger. “I’d take this as a sign that we need to turn right back around and go home, except there’s no place to turn around here either.”

The Ungers were caught behind the train for such a long time that they began to have doubts about their choice of activities for the evening.

“Pastor Ralph warned us against this just like week, didn’t he?” said Mr. Unger. “Movies, bowling alleys, international food, you name it.”

By the time the train had passed, the movie had already begun and the Ungers were nowhere near the theatre.

“Pastor Ralph said excessively long trains were one of the ten plagues of Egypt,” said Unger. “And now I understand why.”

With tears in their eyes, the Unger returned home to Blumenort … without having seen the new Guy Maddin movie.

“I guess we’ve learned our lesson,” said Mrs. Unger. “This is the very last time we try to have date night in the city.”

The Ungers say they will stay in Blumenort every weekend from now on, or at least until they figure out a route that avoids all the trains.

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