Due to Spring Break in Manitoba, the indoor waterslides at every single hotel in nearby Grand Forks were totally swamped with Mennonites this week.
“They’re welcome to explore our city,” said Grand Forks mayor Michael Brown. “I just hope we have enough hotels with waterslides to accommodate them all.”
Steinbach resident and long-time cross-border shopper Alice Doerksen said she brings her family to Grand Forks every chance she gets.
“I’ve met half of Steinbach at the Columbia Mall this week,” said Doerksen. “Plus they’ve got a really awesome deal on sweatpants at the Walmart down here. It’s great to be able to stock up.”
Some more adventurous Mennonites have even ventured all the way to Fargo.
“Usually it’s the MBs who head to Fargo,” said Doerksen. “Us EMCers like to stay a little closer to home.”
The streets of Steinbach were completely vacant the entire week.
(photo credit: by Luke & Courtney Barrett/CC)