Oma was very excited to sing out of the old German Gesangbuch with all the grandkids at the Plett Christmas gathering this Sunday, but soon realized things weren’t going to go nearly as smoothly as she expected.
“Not only can they not read sheet music, but they have absolutely no clue what ‘O du Frohliche‘ even means!” exclaimed Oma Plett. “What on earth are they even teaching at that so-called Sunday school of theirs!”
The Pletts were half-way through the first verse of ‘Ihr Kinderlein kommet‘ when things started to fade out and only Oma was left singing.
“She’s the only one who really knows the songs,” said young Peter. “I usually attempt to sing. I give it an honest try, but eventually I just get tongue-tied with all the umlauts and all that.”
While some family members managed to hum along to the familiar tune of ‘Welch ein Jubel, Welche Freude‘, Oma ended up singing ‘Ich klopfe an‘ as a solo.
“My goodness these young people are in a pretty sad state,” said Oma. “I mean once you get past ‘Stille nacht, heilige nacht‘, they’re completely lost.”