The unveiling of Grandma’s famous Easter plumi moos this Sunday sent Little Erika and Paul Brandt running for the hills and screaming at the top of their lungs. Erika, 4, and Paul, 6, apparently are not used to the site, smell, or texture of Grandma’s cold plum soup.
“Ach, those children yet! All they want is Oreo cookies,” exclaimed Grandma Brandt. “I tried to sit them down on my lap and spoon it into them, but they were having none of it.”
The fact that Grandma’s plumi moos closely resembles the sludge that Mom pulls from the bathroom sink every other week was a determining factor in Erika and Paul’s reluctance to try it.
“I know it doesn’t look like much, but once they try it I’m sure they’d be hooked,” said Grandma. “If only I could trick them into trying it somehow.”
Grandma then sprayed an entire can of Cool Whip onto the plumi moos and handed each child a bowl.
“At first they were very excited, but as soon as they got past the imitation whipped topping, the crying started up again,” said Grandma. “I’m really at my wit’s end with these two.”
Grandma Brandt is especially concerned because the local Mennonite church will not allow them membership unless they learn to stomach plumi moos.
“They’ve still got a few years to acquire a taste,” said Grandma. “But by the time they’ve learned their catechism they’ve got to be able to down a bowl of this stuff. Otherwise they’ll never get baptized and never get married!”
At press time, Grandma Brandt was having equal difficulty convincing the kids to try her reicha bread.