More than 100 Dycks gathered at the Altona Bergthaler Chortitzer MB Brethren Church this weekend to eat vereniki and celebrate the golden wedding anniversary of Harry and Anita Dyck.
“I’m so glad you’ve all come to celebrate with us,” said Harry Dyck. “You know, when I first saw Anita 51 years ago at a Young People’s meeting in Gretna, I just knew she needed a Harry Dyck like me.”
Anita says it was not love at first sight of Harry Dyck, but it took her a while to warm up the idea.
“I was Anita Friesen in those days and no one thought I’d be an Anita Dyck until Harry came along and swept me off my feet,” said Anita Dyck, with her grand-children at her feet. “I would say every Mennonite woman needs a Harry Dyck … I certainly did anyway.”
Guests were regaled with stories of the Dyck’s wedding night in Niagara Falls and were even treated to a slide show of Harry and Anita Dyck through the decades. Still, not everyone was pleased with the presentation.
“I much prefer a Harry Loewen,” said Mrs. Anita Loewen. “Either that or a Harry Peters.”