Henderson Highway, in the heart of Winnipeg’s famed Anabaptist Quarter, is being permanently closed to motorized vehicular traffic this week after a request from concerned members of the Mennonite community.
“We’re tired to having to weave our horse and buggies around some guy in an SUV,” said local elder Abe W. Warkentin. “We need a place in the city where we can peacefully go about our business and transport our goods in as slow and primitive a method as possible.”
Vehicular access to the highway, which some have suggested should be renamed in honour of the late great Reverend Kornelsen, has been barricaded by police since Monday, to the delight of all the Klassens, Friesens and Penners in the area.
“The Englishers can drive their motorcars down all the other streets like St. Mary’s, St. Anne’s, St. Vital and all the other saints,” said Warkentin. “At least let us have this one Mennonite street to ourselves.”
Some Mennonites have requested that an exception be made for combines and tractors, though the elder board has yet to rule on this matter.
(photo credit: tslane888/CC)