Thanks to a new Steinbach law, residents will now be allowed to inhabit the street corners that match their names. First to take advantage of this new law was Henry Reimer, 71, formerly of Brandt Street.
“Finally,” said Henry Reimer, standing on the corner of Henry St. and Reimer Ave. “It’s about time Steinbach had a law like this.”
Henry Reimer has already set up a pup tent on the corner, but plans to make a more permanent abode, such as a semlin, in the near future.
“I’ve heard a few other Henry Reimers are interested in this corner, but it’s too darn late for them!” proclaimed Henry Reimer. “If they wanted this corner they should have got here sooner!”
There is some concern that residents may have their own names legally changed to take advantage of the new law.
“The law was intended to honour the Henry Reimers of this world,” said a city of Steinbach spokesperson. “We don’t want any Southwood Mains or Lumber Thirds popping up just to get some free land.”
Henry Barkman, Henry Kroeker, Gordon Evergreen, Wilson Hespeler, and Ellice Giesbrecht have also set up residence on their own street corners.