Once known as the City of Horses, you’re now more likely to see a pickup truck or minivan on the streets of Steinbach, Manitoba. This has left city employees with not as much work to do clearing the streets of horse shit. That is, until City employee Garth Peters discovered a huge stash of horse shit in an unexpected location.
“I was really worried I’d be out of a job,” said Peters. “Until I found out about all the horse shit online. Look at the Steinbach community Facebook pages. Complete gong show!”
Peters has been tasked with cleaning up all the horse shit on Steinbach-related Facebook pages, though he says he may have to put in some overtime.
“It’s more work than I expected,” said Peters. “Trying to stop all the fights, correct all the misinformation … It’s quite the job.”
Peters says the biggest mess was found on Facebook where locals were asking other locals everything from where to buy a burger in town to help with tying their own shoes.