The moratorium against flashy clothing was temporarily lifted last night as hundreds of Amish men and women took to the streets of Intercourse sporting gaudy rhinestone suits in tribute to the late great country legend Glen Campbell who passed away yesterday at the age of 81.
“We’re all big Glen Campbell fans. I mean, who isn’t?” said Bishop John Lapp. “So I decided it was best to allow everyone to get their Nudie Suits out of the closet and wear them around town…for an hour.”
Tourists were shocked at the unexpected clothing and some expressed disappointment that they couldn’t get the quintessential Amish photographs.
“I’m not sure anyone will believe me when I tell them these people are Amish,” said one tourist from Charlotte. “But I understand it. Glen Campbell passed away. It had to be done.”
After the hour-long tribute, the Amish quickly withdrew behind fences and signs to change back into their more traditional black attire. Although, some say, that if you look close enough this morning, you can still spot a tiny rhinestone or two.
Thanks for the music, Glen!
(photo credit: romana klee/CC)