Hundreds of Mennonites abandoned their pickup trucks and minivans and, instead, showed up at church this weekend on electric skateboards called Onewheels.
“Oh, you know me,” said Mr. Plett, “I always keep up with the all the sea newest technology. Plus I heard it that the Doerksens or somebody make it over there in Jantsied.”
Mr. Plett soon discovered hundreds of men in suspenders and women in long flower dresses showing up on Onewheels, all because they saw some ad on TV with a Doerksen in it yet.
“Us Mannanites support our own,” said Mrs. Loeppky. “We had to buy fifteen of these things so the whole family could come to church at the same time.”
However, some Pembina Valley Mennonites found the new device a little difficult to manage.
“Diewel, I had a heck of a time hooking it up to my vary best filly Betsy,” said Mr. Warkentin. “Plus it doesn’t ride so smooth over horse manure.”
Many locals were also wondering just how on earth they could use that thing to get the harvest in this fall.
(photo credit: Elvert Barnes/CC)