Darren Klippenstein, janitor at Fifth Mennonite Church in Grunthal, rushed to the scene this evening after he heard the Women’s Quilting Club had spent all evening “spilling the tea.”
“We didn’t make much progress on our Taylor Swift-themed quilt, but we sure spilled the tea, that’s for sure,” said Caitlin Martens. “There’s a lot to talk about in this town, let me tell you. The Thiessen family alone gives us plenty of material.”
Martens and her friends Olga Sawatzky and Brittany Wiens were spilling the tea for a good hour or so before the janitor arrived to intervene, mop bucket in hand.
“Enough, ladies, this tea spilling must end,” said Klippenstein. “I just hope you weren’t spilling yerba mate. That stuff’s impossible to get out.”
In their defence, the quilting ladies said they’d been meeting to spill the tea like this for decades already.
“And no one’s ever had a concern about our tea spilling before,” said Wiens. “Hey, if they don’t let us spill the tea at church, we’ll just find another place – like the staff room at the thrift store.”
The tea-spillers also pointed out that the janitor had nothing to be concerned about as they’d been drinking coffee the whole time.