The annual Mennonite Oscars and Faspa were held in the MB church basement in Winkler this afternoon, with the top prize going to the epic Anabaptist musical Jant Sied Story.
“It’s a tale as old as time. A Morden woman falls in love with a man from Winkler and all (heck) breaks loose,” said Pankratz Prize-winning film critic Roger Engbrecht. “Personally I thought it was a little long, and there was a little too much singing, but it’s nothing I can’t handle after going to a Mennonite church all these years.”
The film is loosely based on a Shakespeare play, but Jant Sied Story really updates the story for the 21st century.
“It’s a real tragedy,” said Engbrecht. “They can’t figure out which Chicken Chef to go to for the rehearsal dinner … plus there’s constant fighting between the two families about whether to serve booze at the reception or just cheese curds in the MB basement.”
Engbrecht won’t divulge which characters make it to the end and which die in an epic brawl for a prime church pew on Sunday morning.