Oba jo, that was quite the Turnbull Cup as the Jantsied Flyers defeated the Ditsied Pistons 4 games to nothing yet once.
“Nah, jung, you finally did it,” said Abe Janzen of Jantsied. “Over the years, we beat those Ditsieders in everything from slo-pitch and Bible memorization to crokinole and Dutch Blitz. We’ve beaten them in the annual canning and jarring competition more times than I can count. But, finally, we beat them in hockey.”
Most startling for Jantsied is the fact they completely swept Ditsied in just four games.
“Oh, sure the boys will muck the stalls on occasion, but normally it’s Martha who does the sweeping around here,” said Janzen. “I guess it’s okay that the young men did a bit of sweeping for once.”
The Jantsied Flyers are happy to defeat their rivals across the river, but say they’re going to keep on fighting.
“Beating Ditsied is all fine and good,” said Janzen. “But sometimes I just wish Morden had a team, you know?”