Giving Tuesday is an annual day of generosity, drawing attention and support for worthy causes. In honour of Giving Tuesday this year, outgoing President Joe decided to give the most generous gift he could think of – a full Presidential pardon to his criminal son Hunter.
“I could think of no more worthy cause than my own son,” said Joe. “When I think of all the suffering in the world, my heart just aches for my son.”
Joe says if you think about it, it’s kind of even biblical.
“God sent his son to forgive our sins,” said Joe. “So naturally I’m stepping in to pardon my son’s sins. Something like that.”
Joe says this is not the first time he’s exhibited his tremendous generosity this year.
“What can I say, I’m just a giving fellow,” said Joe. “I mean, let no one ever forget that it was my frequent gaffes and reluctance to step down that also gifted Donald the Presidency.”