From the heart of the Mennonite Silicon Valley comes a brand new social network called ‘Knipschat.’ The new app allows users to post pictures of themselves knipsing, knitting, or knoodeling.
“The best thing about it is that the pictures only last as long as it takes to shoot a knipser,” explained company CEO Mrs. Brandt. “Just last week I got a Knipschat from Johan Reimer with his shirt off and his suspenders sliding down his shoulders. I was sure glad that went away quickly.”
Some users, however, have been exploiting their phones technology to screen capture potentially embarrassing Knipschats.
“I’ve got one of Mrs. Wiebe knipsing with her middle finger and Mr. Toews completely missing an easy twenty,” said Knipschat user Kjnels Doerksen. “I even managed to screen capture Mrs. Peters knipsing from the top of the five zone rather than the back line!”
Knipschat has grown in popularity since its launch and has already surpassed Facebook in total Mennonite users, although it still has a long way to go to catch up with the tried-and-true social network called ‘Gossip in the Church Lobby’.