Liberals Elect Carny


Shattering decades of tradition which saw lawyers and drama teachers sent to 24 Sussex Drive, the Liberal Party of Canada has diversified its leadership portfolio by electing Canada’s first ever carny Prime Minister.

“Three tosses for a dollar. Five tosses for two,” said the carny. “Step right up, step right up. Everyone’s a winner.”

There were lineups around the block for the ring toss and that game where you try to roll a bowling ball just right so it stays on the other side of the hump and doesn’t come back.

“You know, I’ve always trusted carnies,” said Mr. Penner, cotton candy in hand. “I may not always win, but at least I’m having fun.”

Some, however, feel they’re not getting the full carny experience with the new Prime Minister.

“Gotta say, that’s the most clean-cut carny I’ve ever seen,” said Mrs. Schmidt. “Not a single tattoo … that I can see anyway.”

Mrs. Schmidt also appreciated the fact that this carny didn’t seem to swear all that much and appeared to be a non-smoker.

(photo credit: Matt Wiebe/CC/modified)

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