A Chinese restaurant in the Steinbach area is offering a local twist on the traditional fortune cookie. Instead of general message of good fortune, the cookies will now contain more distinctly Mennonite fortunes. Here are a few gems:
- Financial success is in your future…don’t forget to tithe.
- Mensch ekj saj, du best schmock!
- Nah, Henry, you have to order something from the menu to get the free consume soup.
- Praise God from whom all blessings flow, praise him all creatures here below…(collect all 30 fortune cookies to complete the song!)
- Someone important is watching you closely…it’s probably Elder Loewen.
- Keep up the good work. Your fields are looking fantastic!
- Next time, Peter, save some chicken balls for the Rempels.
- Jauma lied! When will you learn to use chopsticks!
- Romance is in the air…be careful of cousin Johan.
- You are independent and free-thinking…stop it!
- Oba, so this is what you do on Sunday after church yet? Chinese food! Nah, junges!
- Ha, ha sucker! It’s a sin to read “fortune” cookies.