The Fehrs walked into church this Sunday and found that there were the only couple in the entire congregation who didn’t go to Grand Forks for the weekend.
“At first I was like, ‘Well, Susan, did they switch to Saturday services or something?’ because there was no one else there,” said Ron. “Well, just us and the pastor.”
Despite the low attendance, Pastor Howard proceeded with the service as usual and was particularly passionate during this sermon on “lusts of the flesh.”
“I must admit it was a little awkward,” said Pastor Howard. “There were a few folks at the cabin this weekend who really could have used this message!”
One thing that surprised everyone, including the Fehrs, was the fact there was a record offering this morning.
“I’m not sure how that happened,” said Ron. “That’s the last time I let Susan control the cheque book on May Long Weekend Sunday.”
The Fehrs also managed to consume all the pickles and cheese during faspa.
(photo credit: Kamoteus/CC)