After declining tithing in recent years a Free Church in the small Kansas town of Bezkoshtovno has decided they have no choice but to charge a nominal admission charge of $7.99 per person. Children under 12 can get in for $4.99, while babies in arms may be carried in at no charge provided they stay in their mother’s laps at all times.
“The Free Church model just wasn’t working. For years we tried it, but we couldn’t pay the power bills or update the hymnals,” said Pastor Ron. “I’m sad to say it, but the Free Church is no longer free.”
The funds will be used to replace the bulb in the overhead projector and repaint the kitchen in the parsonage.
“We hope the fee is not too burdensome for people. We hope people will come to the Free Church even if they have to pay a little something,” said Ron. “I think you’ll get your money’s worth. I mean, you always were before.”
Some members understood the admission fee, while others felt a wee bit betrayed.
“You can’t call yourself a Free Church and then ask for 8 bucks at the door,” said local church-goer Thomas Wiebe. “Well, I guess it’s true what they say: there’s so such thing as a free church.”
(photo credit: Sheep purple/CC)