Area woman Susanna Koop has recently hauled out a batch of ‘extra sour’ pickles from her cellar that she feels will go over well at local funerals this spring.
“Springtime funeral-goers in Mennonite country expect a crisp and tart pickle to accompany their grief,” said Koop. “The intense pucker really contributes to an atmosphere of appropriate bereavement.”
‘Koop’s Extra Sour’ will go on sale at local famer’s markets this spring, but she also plans to make bulk sales to funeral homes and churches.
“Trust me, when Oma Dueck or Uncle Klassen go to meet their maker later this spring, you’re going to want these pickles,” said Koop. “They blow Mrs. Klippenstein’s wimpy dills right out of the water.”
Koop’s Extra Sour pickles are already being marketed with a brand new slogan, ‘One dill will do ya.’
“I was at a funeral back in January where all they had were those sweet bread and butter pickles,” said Koop. “Oba, that was a mistake. If you expect Mennonites to show up and pay their respects you’re going to have to offer us a proper sour pickle at the reception.”
Critics have suggested that her new funeral pickles are so intense that they may cause a few funerals themselves.
(photo credit: by spanginator )