Norwegian chess superstar Magnus Carlsen had decided to try his hand at a Dutch Blitz tournament up in Watertown, New York this week, when he realized his attire was not suitable for the festivities.
“This is a church basement, not a nightclub,” said Pastor David, who was organizing the Dutch Blitz tournament as an outreach event. “I know we’re playing Dutch Blitz here, but we do expect some level of decorum.”
Carlsen was asked by the pastor to take off his jeans, but these instructions were met with some confusion.
“Take off my jeans? Like right here and now?” said Carlsen. “I knew this was a liberal church, but that seems kind of far, don’t you think?”
Pastor David dismissed the criticism, saying this was not the first time his church had been accused of liberalism.
“Like it or not, he’s going to have to take off those jeans,” said Pastor David. “We’ll even get him a pair of loaner slacks if need be, but in our church, we take Dutch Blitz seriously. It’s one of our sacraments.”
After witnessing the Pastor’s impassioned plea, Carlsen decided give up chess forever and dedicate himself to Dutch Blitz.
(photo credit: Frans Peeters/CC)