A Mennonite man from rural Saskatchewan is upset at the province this week after hearing he won’t be able to go just anywhere he wants unless he shows proof of vaccination.
“I think it’s terrible we’re being put into categories like this,” said Mr. Fehr from his special place at the front of the men’s section at church. “I think people should be able to freely sit wherever they want to sit and do whatever they want to do.”
Mr. Fehr is also really upset he has to wear a mask, saying that the only garment that should be imposed on people by outside authorities is the head covering and long dress that women are supposed to wear or else they go to Hell.
“I’m completely against coercion of any kind,” said Mr. Fehr, quickly reminding his daughter to get her duak on straight. “This is supposed to be a free country where everyone does at they please.”
Mr. Fehr quickly clarified those freedoms need only apply to like, umm, members of the church elder board and stuff.