Retired couple Henry and Barb Thiessen of North Kildonan are usually hitting the hay a little after 4 pm these days or just as soon as it gets dark.
“We had a couple late nights last week,” explained Henry. “Barb had me up until 5 or 5:30 watching ‘Who Want to be a Millionaire’ and then I said, ‘Oba, like at the time,’ and lay down for a schlop.”
Seeing as how it’s pitch dark a little after 4, the Thiessens are spending a lot more time in bed than they normally do.
“It’s gotten to the point where I’ve just finished my Sunday afternoon meddachschlop and it’s time for bed already,” said Henry. “And, you know, Barb is never up for an extra meddachschlop after she’s already had one. Once a week is all she needs, she says.”
Seeing as they’ve already been in bed for a couple hours already, Henry and Barb have absolutely no clue their embarrassing early bedtime activities are being reported in the Daily Bonnet and won’t find out until sometime tomorrow, by which time it will be far too late to salvage their reputations.