500 years after the Protestant Reformation, Martin Luther has become the hottest costume this Halloween surpassing sales of Wonder Woman, Batman, and the entire cast of Game of Thrones.
“Kids just seem to love the guy,” said Winnipeg costume store manager Brenda Penner. “We can’t keep Martin Luther costumes in stock.”
Instead of tossing toilet paper and eggs at Winnipeg homes, Martin Luther-inspired trick-or-treaters plan to nail novelty ’95 Theses’ lists all around the neighbourhood.
“We’re not demanding candy,” said a tenth-grade Martin Luther enthusiast. “Instead we’re asking for a lengthy list of changes to the teachings and practices of the homes in our area.”
Penner says that Protestant customers have not been the only ones to jump on the Martin Luther bandwagon.
“Catholics are purchasing Luther costumes, too,” said Penner, “but they’re also buying a lot of fake blood, vampire fangs and green paint. I’d say they’re taking a few liberties with the historic Martin Luther, but that’s okay, it’s Halloween after all.”
Luther-mania has not reached Mennonite country, however. On the contrary, Penner says that all the Mennonite children she knows are still staying at home with the lights out like they usually do.
(photo credit: Dave Hogg/CC)