Given the circumstances, even the strictest Mennonite churches have decided to relax the rules when it comes to dancing. Pastor Tom has decreed that since everyone has to keep six feet apart these days anyway, they might as well allow a little rhythmic movement.
“As long as I can shove two crokinole boards between you, it shouldn’t be a problem,” said Pastor Tom. “You can twist and twerk all you want at that distance.”
Pastor Tom is even planning Swift Current’s first ever church dance this Saturday in the large faspa room downstairs.
“We’ll crank up the Boney M and let ‘er rip,” said Pastor Tom. “I think it’ll be our most popular youth event since the jam making workshop last fall.”
The distancing rules, however, will be strictly enforced.
“I don’t care if he is your cousin, you ain’t getting close enough to find out,” said Pastor Tom.
Tickets to the dance also include an all-you-can eat dill pickle buffet, but Mrs. Reimer, chair of the faspa committee, made sure to space all the dills a full two metres apart.