When the Kehlers of the R.M. of Ste. Anne discovered a new baptismal class in the area, they immediately signed their kids up for classes.
“You know, we’d prefer a pouring class, but even if it’s immersion, it’s still better than nothing,” said Mrs. Kehler. “It’s nice to see the Mennonite Brethren finally have an active presence in the area.”
Whenever the kids came home from school each day, and the Kehlers asked what they leaned, the kids always replied, “oh, nothing.”
“When they started saying ‘rien’ I knew something was amiss,” said Mrs. Kehler. “It also seems they didn’t know a thing about the Mennonite catechism.”
It wasn’t until well into December that the Kehlers finally figured enough was enough.
“I don’t know what is going on at that school,” said Mr. Kehler. “They don’t have a clue about the Dordrecht Confession, but are completely fluent in French!”
The Kehler kids say they want to stay at their immersion school, as the French Catholics seem to have a lot more fun.