Manitoba’s newest Mennonite was born at 11:03 pm last night. Proud parents Elon and Claire Reimer have decided to name their child ‘X Æ A-12’ for some reason.
“What other options did we have? Corny? Abe? Nettie?” wondered Claire. “We really had no choice but to name our newborn X Æ A-12.”
The Reimers are really excited to have X Æ A-12 enrolled in the church nursery as soon as things open back up.
“Her name tag will be really cute,” said Claire. “It’s the first time in ten generations that a first born Reimer wasn’t named Heinrich.”
X Æ A-12 was a healthy 7 pounds 8 ounces at birth and will make her debut at a virtual church faspa this Sunday.
“I just hope R2-D2 Friesen doesn’t show up,” said Claire. “Oh, and that C-3P0 Penner kid? What a pain.”
Mitchell Mennonite will be holding a child dedication service for recent newborns Charles, Timmy, Samantha and X Æ A-12 this Sunday at 10:00.