With the kids at Oma and Opa’s, the Thiessens of Steinbach decided to head to the city with their freshly minted vax cards and have a few mozza sticks.
“Jauma, my Peter is so romantic,” said Susan, who hasn’t been to Applebee’s since her and Peter’s first date back in 1998. “First he picked up our vaccine passports from the post office and next thing you know he was whisking me away for a romantic night on the town at Applebee’s.”
Peter had a half order of blackened shrimp alfredo, while Susan stuck to the spinach and artichoke dip and a tap water.
“I was thinking of getting a bottomless iced tea, but I didn’t want to blow through our budget,” said Susan. “Plus I just know Peter’s going to show off with a five, maybe even ten, percent tip.”
The Thiessens, who get all their dining recommendations from pop country songs, plan to dine on “chicken fried” at their next date night six months from now.
(photo credit: Mike Mozart/CC)