Thousands of dating couples on Mennonite college campuses across Canada have pledged to save meddachschlop for marriage.
“I want my future husband to know that I never had meddachschlop with anyone else before him,” said college junior Samantha Peters. “I want to present myself to him on the first Sunday afternoon after we are married and say ‘hey, let’s nap.'”
This pledge of purity is in sharp contrast to the free-meddachschlop attitudes of the 1960s, when meddachschlop, drugs, and rock ‘n’ roll infected even very conservative Mennonite communities.
“It’s such a blessing to see all these young Mennonites pledging their purity in this way,” said Peters. “But I want people to know that even if they’ve had a Sunday afternoon nap with someone already, there is forgiveness.”
Over 5,000 college-aged Mennonites have signed the online pledge. Those who have committed will mark themselves with an X on the back of their hands to indicate their pledge.