The Wiebe family of Taber, Alberta love to drive into Calgary on Saturdays to do their weekly Costco sampling.
“We don’t buy anything, but we’ve got to get our membership fee back somehow,” said Dave, chowing down on a sample of sun dried tomatoes. “We can feed the whole family this way!”
The Wiebes pay $120 a year for a premium Costco membership, but feel they earn that all back during their weekly outings.
“Susie and I eat a package of Kirkland Signature cashews and a few mini pizzas every time we go,” said Dave. “Not to mention all the processed cheese cubes the kids devour.”
The Wiebes say the strategy is to bring along a few changes of clothes so that you don’t get recognized when you go back for more.
“I bring along three different pairs of suspenders,” said Wiebe. “Meanwhile, Susie changes her duak in the dairy aisle after each trip to the free sample station.”
The Wiebes have been subsisting entirely on free Costco samples for the past ten years and feel, with a family of 17, they certainly get their money’s worth.
(photo credit: Panegyrics of Granovetter/CC)