From the archives
The Bergmanns of the Blumenhoff area loaded up the Massey Ferguson this morning for the first day of classes at the old Blumenhoff School.
“Got the Massey fired up, got my lard sandwiches in the lunch pail, and I’m ready to learn!” said young Bergmann. “I just hope papa isn’t planning on doing any haying today.”
The red Massey was seen farting down the gravel road to the school, where the Bergmanns parked their tractors next to a couple Allis Chalmers and a John Deere or two.
“Woah, looks like the Reimers have come into some money,” said Bergmann. “Look at that new set of wheels!”
The hitching posts at the Blumenhoff School were also well-utilized this morning, though the teacher is saying students must bring their own oats this year.
This article first appeared in The Daily Bonnet in the Sept 3, 1957 issue.