Ashley Thiessen, 29, of Winnipeg was sad about the death of her loved one, but felt some sense of relief when she found out great-grandma’s funeral was going to feature a totally epic ‘Girl Dinner’ in the church gymnasium.
“You mean I just fill up my plate with ham slices and pickles?” said Thiessen, who ventured out to Morden for the funeral/Girl Dinner. “Oh look, rhubarb plautz!”
Thiessen enjoyed her Girl Dinner while sitting on a wooden chair around a large circular table beneath a basketball hoop.
“I had no idea Grandma was so on trend,” said Thiessen. “I hope someday when I pass away, everyone will celebrate my life with a Girl Dinner,
Unbeknownst to Thiessen, the Morden MBGC church has been serving Girl Dinners at funerals for decades.
“Around here we just call it faspa,” said Mrs. Kroeker. “But hey if it brings more young people back to church, then Girl Dinner it is.”
Thiessen says the Morden MBGC Girl Dinner is very much like the one she compiles at home, except the Morden version has a lot more raisin buns.