Winkler Willie, the Mennonite world’s most famous groundhog, has just announced there will be an early spring this year, meaning southern Manitobans will be able to enjoy paska buns sooner rather than later.
“You heard it here first,” said Abe Goerzen, groundhog caretaker extraordinaire. “We’ll be gorging on delicious paska buns by mid-February this year.”
Upon hearing the news Mennonite grandmas began scrambling to get their hands on lemon juice and colourful sprinkles.
“Jauma, an early paska season? I’m going to have to get going on my baking,” said Mrs. Brandt. “What’s next? Early knackzoat?”
Goerzen said the grandmas had nothing to worry about in that regard since most Mennonites are knacking zoat all year round anyway.
“It’s not confined to any season,” said Goerzen. “But, paska, well, it looks like we’ll be enjoying that real soon. Thanks, Winkler Willie!”
Winkler Willie is also predicting a Sunday School picnic complete with potato sack race and a horseshoes tournament by the middle of March.