Daily Bonnet author Andrew Unger has recently become the first person ever to get a blue checkmark certification on Mennonite genealogy website GRanDMA OnLine.
“Currently there are 673 Andrew Ungers on this website, but only one has a blue checkmark,” said webmaster Ken Ratzlaff of Lawrence, Kansas. “But, you know, that’s just because he’s the only one willing to pay 8 bucks a month.”
The new blue checkmark helps users locate writer Andrew Unger, as opposed to schekjbenjel Andrew Unger, insurance salesman Andrew Unger, and youth pastor Andrew Unger.
“With our new GRanDMA OnLine blue checkmark service, you can also unlock a wide variety of new features,” said Ratzlaff, “such as printing out a list of all your fifth cousins twice removed and discovering your deceased ancestors’ favourite flavours of plautz. It’s no wonder Unger paid the extra eight bucks.”
Unger says becoming the first GRanDMA OnLine blue checkmark certified account is quite the honour.
“I really thought they’d give it to Rudy Wiebe or something. I’m truly humbled by the honour,” said Unger. “Now if only I could get Facebook to give me a checkmark I’d really be set.”