After attending a public lecture on intersectionality and white privilege at Eastern Mennonite University this past week, local man Peter Schrock decided to put what he learned in action and check his privilege on the flight back to Elkhart. Unfortunately for Schrock, the airline mistakenly sent his privilege, along with three T-shirts and a change of underwear, to somewhere in South America.
“This is the last time I check my privilege with American Airlines. They always get it wrong!” said Schrock. “I’m sure glad I’ve got an extra supply of privilege at home or I’d really be in a bind.”
Schrock says he wasn’t aware of all the benefits he received from being a straight, white, Christian male before, but really wishes he hadn’t thrown such valuable privilege in with a week’s worth of dirty laundry.
“Ugh. Not only did they lose my checked privilege, but I also had a $50 gift certificate for the Olive Garden in there,” said Schrock. “I demand to be compensated for my loss!”
Schrock is an elder on the local church board, but plans to step down and let a woman take his place until American Airlines returns his privilege to him. He also says he’ll never check his privilege again and plans to fly carry-on from now on.
(photo credit: Joe Shlabotnik/CC)