Dave Neufeld, 37, of Boissevain was in hot water this week after he drove all the way to Brandon this afternoon to do some grocery shopping and came home with the wrong kind of Old Dutch.
“Old Dutch. Look, see, Brenda. It says right here on the list – Old Dutch,” said Dave, pleading his innocence. “Let’s see, I’ve got 2L of Papsi, plenty of knackzoat and Old Dutch just like you said.”
Dave claims he wasn’t aware of this other kind of Old Dutch, but Brenda wonders why he was looking for chaps in the detergent aisle.
“What are we going to do with this?” said Brenda. “I made onion dip and everything. Now that’s all going to go to waste!”
Dave said he’d make sure the onion dip did not go to waste and plans to eat it with his fingers like he usually does.
“In the meantime, I guess it’s back to Canadian Tire for me,” said Dave. “But I really don’t know what I’m going to do with all this sour cream and onion laundry detergent I’ve got in the trunk.”