Mr. Unger, 51, of Blumenhof has been making a delicious serving of ruehrei once a week for the past thirty-two years and his wife Wilma has had enough of it already.
“Diewel, that man! Every time it’s his turn to cook he hauls out the cast iron frying pan and crack a few eggs,” said Mrs. Unger. “You’d think in three decades he’d learn another recipe, but not my Harold. And even worse, he’s just as inventive during meddachschlop!”
Mr. Unger has been perfecting his ruehrei recipe for quite some time and says the version in the treasury cookbook is a bit too eggy.
“I like mine doughy, so I add more flour and milk,” explained Mr. Unger. “And then I top it all off with a generous pour of white vinegar. Mmm, delicious!”
Mr. Unger also fries up some bologna to go with the ruehrei, which he claims is an Unger family favourite.
“Ugh, we tolerate if we have to, but seriously now, I wish he’d change it up once in a while,” said Mrs. Unger. “Maybe some glums koki or something. Anything!”