Gordon Klassen, 49, of Rosenort was very excited to get the new Pfizer shot and is absolutely convinced it has had some added benefits.
“Besides just preventing me from getting Covid, I get the feeling I’ve got a little more get up and go during meddachschlop, if you know what I mean,” said Klassen. “I mean, just this last Sunday, I schlopped for three full hours and my wife lasted nearly just as long!”
Klassen describes how he waltzed into the bedroom, yelled, “schlope gohne” to Nettie and then hit the hay until nearly faspa.
“Jauma, those Pfizer folks know what they’re doing,” said Klassen. “I haven’t had this kind of long sustained meddachschlop since I was a young man and exhausted myself every day at the truss plant over in Blumenort.”
Klassen’s wife Nettie, however, is not so sure the Pfizer shot has anything to do with it.
“If he’s having a better and more satisfying meddachschlop, it’s got nothing to do with any vaccine side effects,” said Nettie. “It’s just that for so long I was hesitant to go anywhere near the man. Now that’s he been inoculated, he’s so much sexier to me.”
Klassen says he can’t wait for his booster shot, which his wife Nettie assures him will also improve his performance during faspa.