The whole neighbourhood was abuzz this week as Mr. Funk of Elkhart unveiled his new license plate, which clearly indicated he had converted his sedan into a flying car. Naturally, next door neighbour Mr. Miller was eager for a flight.
“Apparently, God is his co-pilot,” said Mr. Miller. “I’ve heard of self-driving cars, but this is something else!”
According to Mr. Miller his neighbour Mr. Funk has driven the same old Chevy for more than 50 years, but only recently did he get the hover conversions.
“He’s the first one on our block with a flying car,” said Mr. Miller. “I had no idea he was working on his pilot license.”
Local Mennonite pastors immediately condemned the new technology, saying that if anyone was going to use a flying car around here, he better make “God the pilot, not just the co-pilot.”
(photo credit: Matt Watts/CC)