After a bitter cold night with temperatures well below zero, Mr. Dueck’s entire team of horses just wouldn’t start in the morning.
“Usually Martha reminds me to plug them in, but I guess I forgot last night,” said Mr. Dueck. “Good thing my neighbour Mr. Loewen had a set of booster cables and a horse that was already up and at ’em.”
Mr. Dueck had some trouble figuring out where to attach what, but eventually he managed to get it all set up.
“Red to the positive and black to the negative, right?” said Mr. Dueck as he affixed the cables to various parts on his horse Betsy. “Or am I supposed to ground this one? I’m really not sure.”
When he had everything where he thought they should be, he had Mr. Loewen attach the other ends to his horse Molly.
“At first Betsy didn’t even budge,” said Mr. Dueck. “But after a few minutes we managed to her boosted.”
Mr. Dueck then took his freshly boosted horse-and-buggy for a trip into town to pick up some much needed toilet paper and other items that were on the list Mrs. Dueck gave him.