“Farmer sausage on pizza, yet!” proclaimed Joseph Kehler of Winnipeg the first time he discovered it 15 years ago.
Since then, Kehler has been consuming the Niakwa Farmer’s Special every day, which has irritated his wife Joanne, who says she’d like to change it up once in a while.
“Don’t get me wrong. I love a good Farmer’s Special myself,” said Joanne. “But I thought he hired me for my cooking skills. I guess not.”
Joanne said she’d love the opportunity to at least make a faspa once in a while, but it’s nothing but Farmer’s Special for old Joseph Kehler.
“The only thing that might top this is a knackzoat pizza,” said Kehler. “But that’s just wishful thinking.”
In the meantime Kehler will be consuming the Niakwa Farmer’s Special ever day until the church elder board decides whether so much deliciousness is a sin or not.