Mennonite Man Makes it Big on Broadway … Winnipeg


It has been the lifelong dream of Altona’s Darren Loewen to make it on Broadway. Loewen caught the bug after playing Tevye in W.C. Miller Collegiate’s 1996 production of Fiddler on the Roof.

“I’ve been humming the melody to “Tradition, Tradition!” on the job site ever since,” said Loewen, who works as a shejkbenjel for a local construction company. “I never gave up hope that someday, somehow, I would make it to Broadway.”

Well, Loewen’s dream finally came true this week after his crew was hired to cut down trees in Winnipeg.

“And there I was, for the first time in my life … on Broadway!” exclaimed Loewen. “Who knew it was less than 50 miles from the West Reserve?”

Loewen was mesmerized by the sights and sounds, particularly the Pizza Hotline and Subway.

“I was looking all over for Sardi’s,” said Loewen, “but the closest I got was a delicious breakfast at The Don.”

Loewen’s run on Broadway will continue until the street is completely rid of all its trees, at which time Loewen and team will begin working on the potholes.

“Fingers crossed that our crew gets nominated for a Tony,” said Loewen. “Like they always say, ‘If I can make it there, I can make it anywhere!'”

(photo credit: Lil_Zebra/CC)

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