Abe Koop of Linden, Alberta has capitalized on a strange new trend among Calgary yuppies: backyard chicken coops. Since the trend of raising your owns chickens caught on in Calgary, like, three weeks ago, he has quickly grown Koop’s Coops into a multi-million dollar company.
“To them it’s romantic or something,” explained Koop. “But a few weeks with an ornery rooster and a coop full of chicken shit and they’re usually asking for a refund.”
Koop says his clients are often suburban yuppies, pseudo-hippies, and monied hipsters.
“They all have one thing in common,” said Koop. “They prefer their morning eggs with a just a hint of chicken poop.”
Koop can’t quite figure out what’s gotten into all these Calgarians, but he is not complaining.
“I’m not sure what the next trend will be, but as a Mennonite, I’m sure I’ll be there to capitalize on it,” said Koop. “I can’t wait for the City of Calgary to legalize backyard dairy farms.”
Interested yuppies can call 1-900-BRING-ME-A-KOOP to have their real authentic Mennonite chicken coop installed in their alley, backyard, or balcony of their 45th floor downtown condo.